A valid credit card is required, but you can cancel before the 7-day trial ends if desired. If you performed a fresh install of PicMonkey, accept the popup for the free trial.When satisfied with your curved text design, click on “Download” in the top-right section.In the text menu that displays on the left side of your screen, choose “Curved text.”.Type your new text in the box provided.A text box with “Type here” appears In the image editing window.Click on “Add text” in the frame next to the image options menu.In the image options menu on the left side, select “Text.”.Click on “Make it!” in the top-right section.On the PicMonkey website, click on “File” in the top-left section.Once you visit the website, here’s what you should do: PicMonkey is another famous editing tool you can use to create curved text.

“Spacing” enables you to adjust the spacing between letters. For example, the “Curving” tab lets users choose the type of curve from the drop-down menu and the size. If you want to make the curved text even more interesting, however, explore other MockoFun options. Click on “Insert” and then “Upload from computer.”.Confirm by clicking “Download” once more.Tap on “Download” from the sidebar menu on the left. If that’s enough for you, all you’ve got to do is save the image and upload it to Google Docs.Delete the words from the box below the curved text, then start typing your text.

Place your cursor where you want to insert it, then click on the “Insert” tab. Now that you’ve saved the curved text image, you can use it in Google Docs.When you’re satisfied with the text, right-click on it and select “Save image as,” or select “Click here to download” and choose where to save it.Once you finish, tap on “Select Font” to adjust the font type and size.